Saturday, December 2, 2006

Still not convinced...

I have a main web site; I like to call it a web journal, however there is no place for readers to leave me contents. So I'll give this a go. There are lots of links to my rides and other interests over on that site. I am wondering if eventually I buy the program to geocode my photos, if I link to a picture of a map, say on Flickr, that when you click a spot on the map a picture comes up---if that will all work here---I've seen it on fancy mySLQ?/php type web sites..... Well I'll post some real musings later and maybe try a flickr hosted pic or 2, for now it's time 2 leave my desk here at work and gasp--maybe go fight the masses at that "evil" empire known as Walmart and start some Christmas shopping. It's only going to become more hellish the longer I procrastinate.

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