Saturday, July 28, 2007

Today's ride

So I discovered map my ride. I still think the features of motionbased make it better. Anyway too bad we can't have the best of all programs combined into one.

Today's ride was with pal Jean B; the wife drove support in the Subie, oweing that the rte has no "convenience" stores--or anything else fot that matter. It was a good ride. The elite drops really work. You can get all the stats at motionbased-search user petek and select the ride for today's date.

After the ride and a visit, Sally and I went to Temple to check out the expanded Sun Country bike shop--then ate at my favorite tacqueria--mmm was that good.

Back to 5 hours at work tomorrow and ten + a day next week.

I wished it would stop raining in centex so I could get a decent mountain bike ride in.

Pete out!

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